Leadership Quick Tips – Episode 6

6 Leadership Activities That Create Success, Episode #6

The leadership activities that you employ in your organization will either lead to success or failure – and you get to decide which it’s going to be. You decide by either committing to learn, grow, and increase your leadership skills or by ignoring the need for growth and continuing on as you always have. 180 Mentoring is aimed at helping you ramp up your leadership through small, actionable, relevant mentoring that you can apply right away. This episode highlights 6 leadership activities that will create success in your team. Each is simple, easy to apply, and something you can do immediately. I hope you take the time to listen.

How you act as a leader sets the tone for the entire team.

One of the activities I mention in this episode that will increase your ability to effectively lead is that you need to always keep in mind that your attitude, tone, and behavior will set the tone for the entire organization. You can’t expect the members of your team to behave rightly if you are flying off the handle, treating people in a punitive manner, or disrespecting the contributions and ideas of those under you. You will get what you model. On this episode, I share why this principle is so important and how you can walk your talk more consistently.

Good leaders adapt their leadership style to the individuals on their team.

Leaders lead, right? We are the ones who chart the course and set the pace and tempo of the march. But it’s not done simply by telling people what to do. Yes, you will be telling people what to do after a fashion, but more importantly, it’s HOW you tell them what to do that makes a difference. On this episode, I walk you through what it means to know your team and to wisely adapt your leadership activities to fit the particular needs of the individuals on your team. You’ll come away with insights that will help you deal with your team members more effectively if you listen.

Great leaders keep their promises.

If you want to ruin your credibility and your team’s confidence in your leadership then make promises and don’t keep them. Your team will be at a point of mutiny pretty quickly. OK, that’s a bit tongue-in-cheek but the principle is true. Most leaders who break their promises don’t even realize they are doing it, but they ARE doing it all the same. On this episode, I’m going to show you what to do when circumstances prevent you from keeping your promises and how to foster trust that will fuel your team over the long haul in spite of it. You won’t want to miss this!

Go out of your way to specifically thank team members for their contribution.

One of the most important leadership activities you can engage in is that of recognition. Your team works hard, does their work well, and deserves to be recognized. It’s your job as the leader to make sure that happens. But HOW should you go about it? Should it be the same for every person on the team? What if you have a person under your leadership who absolutely HATES to be recognized publically? On this episode, I’m going to show you how you can take into consideration every team member’s personality and bent so that they feel incredibly appreciated but not embarrassed. Ready? Be sure you listen.

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:57] Thanks to everyone who’s provided feedback!
  • [1:31] Leaders set the tone.
  • [3:57] How you lead your team may be different with every person.
  • [7:00] Good leaders keep their promises.
  • [8:28] Involve lower leaders in senior level discussions.
  • [10:48] Go out of your way to thank members of your team specifically.
  • [14:07] Summary and wrap-up.

Connect With Terry at 180 Mentoring