Episode 3 – Setting Short Term Goals

You hear a lot these days about goal setting. I believe that short term goals are the backbone of any goal setting strategy. The reason I say that is because it’s the short term goals that actually get things done and move you toward the accomplishment of the longer term strategic goals that move your business forward. On this episode of 180 Mentoring I’m going to walk you through some of the reasons you need to focus yourself and your team on short term goals, tell you some of the benefits you’ll see come from it, and even give you a practical way to set those goals and ensure that they happen. I hope you’ll take the time to listen.

Long-term goals are about WHAT. Short term goals are about HOW.

It’s great to set long-term goals. They’re kind of like the vision you’re aiming for, the destination you’re heading toward over time. But there will be – there SHOULD BE – markers along the way that tell you how you’re doing in your progress. That’s the short term goals, the things that determine exactly HOW you’re going to get there, step by step through the process. I want you to be successful in reaching your long term goals but I also know from experience that you won’t be if you don’t set short terms goals and work diligently to meet them. This episode is all about short term goals. Be sure you take the time to learn and apply these principles. They are what make the difference between success and failure.

You really NEED the benefits of effective short term goal management.

There are all kinds of benefits that come from simply setting short term goals. For example, if you’ve set clear and effective short terms goals alongside the team members who are responsible for accomplishing them, you’ve already set a very clear standard for the annual appraisals that so many leaders dread. It’s a walk in the park because you’ll be able to objectively point to the short term goals as the performance markers for each team member. And that’s just ONE of the benefits to setting short term goals. On this episode, I’m giving you the motivation and practical help to get you moving toward some short term goals. But in the end, it’s up to you. Are you willing to actually DO the things that will bring success?

Do you want to get rid of last minute crisis in your office? Short term goals are the answer.

When you take the time to break your long term goals into bite-sized, achievable steps that lead you in the right direction you’ve done something that enables the office to run more smoothly. Why? Because if someone is sick or out of pocket, others can clearly see what they were assigned and step in to work on the goal to make sure the deadline is still reached. Nobody is doing the “Lone Ranger” think in a way that is disconnected with the larger goals. It

Here is how you can set S.M.A.R.T. goals that move your company forward.

By now you’ve probably heard of the S.M.A.R.T goal setting paradigm. It’s a clear way to ensure that what you plan will actually get done. The letters in the acrostic stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based. I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t use a clear approach like this, things get too fuzzy to be helpful and the team sputters as a result. On this episode, I walk through each one of the S.M.A.R.T. points to show you how getting specific in each of those areas helps you dial-in your short term goals and ensure that everyone on your team is pulling in the same direction.

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:01] My introduction to this episode on why short term goals are important.
  • [2:00] The difference between long term and short term goals.
  • [3:33] The powerful benefits of effectively managing short term goals.
  • [5:05] The S.M.A.R.T. goal setting strategy and how to use it well.
  • [10:02] Why you need to include team members when you set short term goals.


Connect With Terry at 180 Mentoring